Connected Eating:

An online program to build the relationship with food you’ve always dreamed about

Feel at home in your body. For good.


You’re tired of constantly thinking about food. Exhausted from the cycle of overly emotional eating, diet attempts, and dealing with a culture that’s robbed you of your best self. 

Ready to stop fighting with food and your body and start making peace?

There is a version of your life that includes food without baggage or binge-eating. There is a way to stop fighting— with yourself, your doctor, your years of feeling both less than and too much for everyone else. 

Yes, there is a life where you can enjoy a meal with carbs and you don’t count the calories.

There is a life where you make peace with yourself and, in turn, are free to be the version you’ve always wanted to be.

→ What if you weren’t consumed by food every waking moment?

→ What if you enjoyed grocery shopping, and cooking food for your family was a source of joy, not pain?

With Jessica’s help, you can ditch the dieting for good.

(Yes, really. You can.)


Hi, I’m Jessica.

For 15 years, I’ve helped people like you live life to the full— without the cycle of food restriction and shame. 

I’m a Registered Dietitian and Registered Clinical Counsellor that has worked in the area of disordered eating since 2006. My work empowers people to release the out-of-control way of life and restore their relationship with food— and their minds. In the Connected Eating Online Group Program, I will walk you through the work it takes to discover an enriching relationship with both your body and the food you eat.


You’ve been at this alone— or with the wrong help— for too long.

You’ve seen the nutritionist, the therapist, the doctor. You’ve tried (and invested in!) every diet and fad. You’ve tracked and counted and restricted everything from rice to breakfast. 

This cycle is expensive, exhausting— and leaves you feeling powerless. And alone. 

You feel like no one understands, and the shame of feeling like you’re not taking care of your body makes you feel even more isolated.

You’re ready for something to work for the long haul, even when you have a day that would typically send you spiraling.

How will this work when everything else I’ve tried has failed?

Connected eating is different. It’s not a rigid plan you need to follow. Connected eating is knowing what your body needs and using intuitive eating at the right pace.

My expertise about what a body needs AND how diet culture and fat-phobia have restricted your life makes me uniquely fitted to speak with confidence about both how you eat and how you think about food

It’s time you let go of the years of weight bias, fat-phobia, and diet culture and regain your body as your own— 

a body that is good, that is healthy, that is enough.

Connected Eating: The Emotional Eating Online Program

I took my 15 years as a Registered Dietitian and Counsellor and turned it into a self-paced process, with the additional benefits of an active and supportive community. All of which you can join from home. 

In this group program you will:

  • Release the toxic language embedded in our culture, health-care system, and ourselves.

  • Learn how to understand what our own body needs, from a science-based approach.

  • Explore how food and emotions become linked, and how to eat that supports your emotions.

  • Learn to love and share food with others.

  • Become a mindful and intuitive eater.

  • Restore your relationship with your body and the food you eat. 

Start your journey to wellness.

REGISTRATION is now closed… watch out for next time!

Eat and live with the confidence that you know what your body needs. 

Begin to trust your instincts, even in the face of negativity.

What’s inside the live program:

  • 8 pre-recorded learning modules from an expert in eating disorders.

  • 8 weekly, small group coaching sessions with Jessica, Mondays at 1:00 PST.

  • Unlimited messaging access to Jessica while you’re in the program.



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  • Understand common contributing factors that likely fractured your relationship with food and your body.

  • Learn how your story was influenced so that you do not have to carry the blame or shame.

  • Determine your path to build a peaceful relationship with food.

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  • Learn how weight bias, anti-fatness, racism and the oppression of women have impacted all of our stories.

  • Understand how gender binary pressures hurt women, men, and those that are gender diverse.

  • Finally find peace with your body, amongst the loudspeakers that diet culture uses to make us feel unworthy.

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  • Understand the emotional and physical contributors to uncontrolled or binge eating.

  • Uncover the eating patterns that fuel emotional eating.

  • Learn how to examine your own patterns and gain step-by-step strategies to break each possible trap.

  • Clear confusion and learn what is actually important when choosing what and how to eat.

  • Learn how to eat to care for your body for the long haul.

  • Recognize unconscious dieting beliefs and rules and why they may still be hindering your progress to food peace.

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  • Incorporate what you know you should eat with what you feel like eating.

  • Understand how to integrate intuitive eating strategies into your day, when intuitive eating may have felt like a “free for all” in the past.

  • Understand how to cultivate and use hunger-fullness cues.

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  • Become confident in how to care for your body, not to drive weight loss at the expense of health.

  • Understand the concepts of ‘Health At Every Size’ and how it applies to you.

  • Understand nutrition in the context of managing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart issues and cancer.

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  • Understand how and why food has worked well to manage stress.

  • Learn how intergenerational trauma and attachment issues relate to our relationships with food.

  • How to properly address and calm the sense of being the ‘super feeler’.

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  • Understand the connection between food and emotions.

  • Incorporate using food, like other self care strategies, to support your needs.

  • Learn how to properly move past where other strategies have not worked.

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  • Find out how your body may have also been disconnected from a healthy relationship with activity, like food.

  • Incorporate the use of self care strategies learned thus far for movement.

  • Review of the course.



  • Live online, small group coaching sessions with Jessica every week

    starting February 7th (hosted Mondays at 1:00 pm PST)

    • Live Q+As with pre-submitted or live questions. You are free to join in or watch with your camera off— you are safe either way. 

    • Group sizes are kept small so that you can ask the questions you need answered.

    • Ability to add individual sessions with Jessica after completion of the course.

  • On-going support through program

    • Unlimited secure messaging with Jessica through your time in the program.

    • As you do the work in the course, you will gain the strength of many other like-minded individuals on a similar path. 


A portion of your tuition will be donated to Food Banks Canada, who work tirelessly to ensure that families, seniors and children struggling with food insecurity will have access to nourishing food. 

Join us next time!



How is this different from everything I’ve done before?

We unpack the shame stories so that you are empowered to be your own advocate even when people second guess your thinking. Taking the time to dismantle this corrupt way of thinking allows you to shift not just the way you live, but your entire mindset around food. 


Will you teach me to count calories? Because I’ve been there and could teach that class myself.

Nope! We’ll learn the science of what your body needs, but more importantly how to intuitively UNDERSTAND what your body needs. You are the expert on your body, and I am here to help you listen to him/her. 


How much time will it take to complete the program?

The program has pre-recorded videos that range from 10-30 minutes in length, that can be completed at your own pace. Each module is aimed to stimulate thought and small changes that you can implement. You are very busy, this process does not need to be another burden. In fact, the goal of the program is to lessen your load. To make eating easier.


Will my extended benefits plan cover the program?

All benefits plans are different. However, if your plan covers either Registered Dietitians or Registered Clinical Counsellors, ask if they also cover group sessions. If so, email us to get a detailed receipt to be able to submit for reimbursement at


Can I expect to lose weight?

No. I don’t make any claims about what your body needs to do. I give you the tools to know and enjoy life as a more mindful and intuitive eater, and the skills to develop a mindset regarding eating that makes sense for you. 

Terms and Conditions (including refund policy) of the Online Program

I’m ready to live at peace with my body.

Curious, but not sure if this is a good fit for you?

No problem. Book a call to get answers to all your questions!

Email and we’ll find a time to chat!