The Connected Eating Workshop: Heal from Emotional Eating

Nourish your body without worry.

Manage stress without food.

Live in your body without shame.


You’re tired of constantly thinking about food. Exhausted from the cycle of overly emotional eating, diet attempts, and living in a culture that convinced you your body was too big, wrong or needed fixing. 

Ready to stop fighting with food and your body and start making peace?

There is a version of your life that includes food without using ‘willpower’, calorie counting or binge eating. There is a way to stop fighting with your body, even after years of feeling both less than and too much for everyone else. 

There is a life where you make peace with food and your body, no matter what it looks like. Be the version of you that you’ve always wanted to be.

→ What if you weren’t consumed by food every waking moment?

→ What if you enjoyed grocery shopping, and cooking food for your family was a source of joy, not pain?

With Jessica’s help, you can ditch the dieting for good.

So that you can:

→ get ice cream with your kids and enjoy the memories

→ be in the photo and not stress about what you look like

→ free mind space so you can start all the really cool stuff you've been putting off like roller-skating lessons or starting to date

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Hi, I’m Jessica.

For 15 years, I’ve helped people like you live life to the full— without the cycle of food restriction and shame. 

I’m a Registered Dietitian and Registered Clinical Counsellor that has worked in the area of disordered eating since 2006. I am a fat-positive healthcare provider.

I have a straight-sized body, and this offered me a stance of privilege to “teach” nutrition in my early working years. My profession, and the healthcare profession as a whole, has done many harms against those that have large bodies, are LGBTQ and BIPOC.

However, it is my goal to work from a collaborative perspective with my clients to find their best way of healing and caring for their body and mind. It is my life’s work to combat weight bias and fat-phobia not only within the systems within my clients and the spaces they live and work in, but also my own personal and professional spaces.

I aim to support my clients, with my entire heart and soul, as they navigate their own path to mental and physical health.


You’ve been at this alone— or with the wrong help— for too long.

You’ve seen the nutritionist, the therapist, the doctor. You’ve tried (and invested in!) every diet and fad. You’ve tracked and counted and restricted everything from rice to breakfast. 

This cycle is expensive, exhausting— and leaves you feeling powerless. And alone. 

You feel like no one understands, and the shame of being blamed for not taking care of your body makes you feel even more isolated.

You want to eat in a way that isn’t “on” or “off”. That is for the long haul, even for those difficult days when you’re stressed at work, have no energy, or go on vacation.

How is this different, when you’ve done EVERYTHING?

Society has convinced you that you need to be thin to be worthy and you need to eat in a certain way to get thin (and also that being thin equals being healthy). You have been sold a faulty bill of sale! It's not your fault that you have spent years dieting and not seeing the results that you want. Or doing a diet that only “works” for a tiny snippet of time, only to create more destruction of your relationship with food and your body. Dieting DOES NOT WORK!!

The dizzying rollercoaster ride of feeling good, feeling horrible…. controlling food, then having food control you, makes it hard to see your way out. Get the nutritional support you need to figure out how to feed yourself without all the confusion. ALSO get the mental health support to start building strategies to support your emotional self that doesn’t have to be only food.

Often clients have seen dietitians or therapists separately so the whole picture of food and emotions hasn’t been sufficiently addressed. So let’s do it together here!

Connected Eating Live Workshop!!

Join me LIVE for a 2 day workshop to provide you with practical skills and the confidence to know how to nourish your body, how to manage stress and anxiety without food, to then build a more peaceful relationship with your body. 

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn actual nutrition science, how it applies to you and how to integrate it into your life seamlessly.

  • Explore how food and emotions become linked, and how to support your emotions without only or always using food.

  • Become a mindful and intuitive eater to be able to trust your body and not feel out of control with food.

  • Restore your relationship with your body and the food you eat, so that you’re co-existing not fighting.

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How is this different from everything I’ve done before?

We unpack the shame stories so that you are empowered to be your own advocate even when people second guess your thinking. Taking the time to dismantle this corrupt way of thinking allows you to shift not just the way you live, but your entire mindset around food. 


Will you teach me to count calories or give me meal plans? Because I’ve been there and could teach that class myself.

Nope! We’ll learn the science of what your body needs, but more importantly how to intuitively UNDERSTAND what your body needs. You are the expert on your body, and I am here to help you listen to it. 


Will my extended benefits plan cover the cost?

All benefits plans are different. However, if your plan covers either Registered Dietitians or Registered Clinical Counsellors. If so, email us to get a detailed receipt to be able to submit for reimbursement at You can also email us for more information on this.


Can I expect to lose weight?

No. I don’t make any claims about what your body needs to do. I give you the tools to know and enjoy life as a more mindful and intuitive eater, and the skills to develop a mindset regarding eating that makes sense for you. 

Terms and Conditions (including refund policy) of the Workshop

I’m ready to live at peace with my body.

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Curious, but not sure if this is a good fit for you?

No problem. Book a call to get answers to all your questions!

Email and we’ll find a time to chat!